Melody Gygax

Brief Biography

What defines good photography?


For the past 30 years, I have shared my passion for photography in various positions such as picture editor for newspapers and magazines, curator and educator, observing the visual world with a critical eye. 


I regularly collaborate with brands, advertising agencies, corporate publishers, photo galleries, cultural institutions and photographers - showing them a critical approach on how to transform an image into a relevant one and to tell a story from a new and engaging perspective.


In a world of growing disinformation, deep fake and AI- generated content, there has never been a greater demand for authenticity in photography. The focus of my work is to raise awareness for the «good» photograph and a critical examination of «image worlds» and «image effects». My aim is to help creators to step away from stereotypes and head towards one's own signature and to develop it further.


I regularly participate as jury member for photography competitions, I am also a long-standing portfolio-review expert. 

For many years I have been teaching photography classes about  idea development, curation, editing and storytelling, readability and relevancy. Art history and the history of photography are new additions to my curriculum. 


Together with MAGNUM PHOTOS as my most important client in Switzerland, I have launched two major projects: one in St. Moritz and one with the Federal Government in Berne.

Current Projects

Freedom, democracy and photography - a triad that is more important than ever - photography and political education, image and media skills make capable of democracy - a project in the canton of Glarus together with schools: How does politics affect everyday life and how do I translate this visually? Vernissage in April in Glarus.


Materclass at MAZ in Lucerne, Swiss School of Journalism. Freedom, democracy and photography - they form a triad that is more relevant than ever. In the age of AI and deepfakes, classical photography remains an antidote to glare, lies and deception.

In this masterclass, you will take an in-depth look at photography relevant to democracy and develop your own image project on the subject. In addition, you will deal with the process of image selection, in order to tell your visual stories in the most concise way possible in the future.



2018 – Self-Employed Photo Editor, Curator, Teacher, Lecturer.
2018 – 2023Cultural Representative MAGNUM PHOTOS Switzerland.
2012 – 2017Head of Photography «Basler Zeitung», Basel - Responsible for establishing and developing the operative and editorial photo concept, personnel management and responsible for financial controlling.
2005 – 2012Photo Editor «Basler Zeitung», Basel - Optimization and development of the visual appearance, evaluation and selection of photo material, visualisation, implementation and composition, briefing of photographers, selection and supervision of trainees, layout consulting.
2003 – 2004Photo Editor «Infel», Corporate Publishing Agency, Zurich - Construction of photo department in connection with the introduction of a modern photographic language, development of photographic concepts, construction and maintenance of a network of photographers.
1999 – 2003Photo Editor «Berner Zeitung», Bern.
1999 – 2001Workshops and Seminar Photo Editing at MAZ, Swiss School of Journalism, Luzern.
1996 – 1998Photo Editor, Photographer and Stylist Ringier, Zurich.
1992 – 1995Apprenticeship as Photographer, Zurich.
1987 – 1991Literary High School, Matura Typus B, Baden.

Expert Activities (abstract)

2025Introduction with photographer Yasuhiro Ogawa at his exhibition «Silence» at Gallery 94, Baden.
2025Portfolio Review and Workshop «Stoytelling & Live-Editing» with photographer Hadrien Jean-Richard at photoSCHWEIZ, Zurich.
2025Letters of recommendation for Sarah Stadelmann (accepted) and Simon Fässler (accepted) for the International Center of Photography (ICP) in New York.
2025Text for annual report 2024 guided focus tours and artist talks 2025 with Roman Willi, photographer and Sven Eisenhut, Director «photo basel» at Natural History Museum, Basel.
2025Text for the photo book «Berge bleichen» by Sandro Livio Straube, Lumbrein.
2024 – Materclass «Freedom, democracy and photography» at MAZ, Swiss School of Journalism, in Luzern.
2024 – 2025Freedom, democracy and photography - a triad that is more important than ever - photography and political education, image and media skills make capable of democracy - a project in the canton of Glarus together with schools (Glarus & Ziegelbrucke): How does politics affect everyday life and how do I translate this visually? Vernissage in April in Glarus.
2024Presentation of an abstract of the exhibition «SESSION» at the Swiss Embassy as part of the “75 Jahre Grundgesetz” democracy festival, guided tour with the Ambassador Livia Leu, Berlin.
2024Artist Talk with photographer Jonathan Labusch at the exhibition «Swiss Press Photo» at National Museum, Zurich.
2024Artist Talk with photographer Florian Bachmann at his exhibition «Lieux de Mémoires» at Max-Frisch Kunstbad, Zurich.
2024Accompaniment and Networking for the journalist Jörg-Uwe Albig and photographer Christian Bobst for GEO at «Landsgemeinde, Glarus», Glarus.
2024Political foreword to the photo book by Fabien Ecochard - COSMOPOLITE. The Parisian photographer revives the great tradition of color street photography to depict the Paris of today, a human and cosmopolitan Paris.
2023Style Guide Consulting for St. Galler Kantonalbank, St. Gallen.
2023Artist Talk with Karin Hofer/NZZ, Alex Kühni and Roland Schmid at the exhibition «Swiss Press Photo» at Historical Museum, Bern.
2022 – 2023Delopment and Implementation of the workshop »Image World and Visual Impact» of Zürcher Kantonalbank with photographer Meinrad Schade, Zurich.
2022Visual Discourse from two different perspectives as photographer and picture editor with Anne Gabriel-Jürgens for Netzhdk @ ZHDK, Zurich.
2021 – 2024Project Manager & Curator of the multimedia-project “SESSION” by MAGNUM photographers Newsha Tavakolian, Cristina de Middel, Alex Webb & Alex Majoli in collaboration with Reto Caduff and the Parliamentary Services on the 175th anniversary of the Federal Constitution, Bern.
2021Development and Implementation of the workshop »Image World and Visual Impact» with photographer Hansjörg Walter for the Parliamentary Services, Bern.
2021Image Editing for «Global Wealth and Lifestyle Report 2021» for Bank Julius Baer in collaboration with Christopher Anderson/MAGNUM PHOTOS and Christian Dietrich, KLAR for Marken, Zurich.
2021Delopment and Implementation of the workshop »Image World and Visual Impact» with photographer and social media expert Hadrien Jean-Richard for EWZ, Zurich.
2020 – Artist Talk and Introduction with photographer Kostas Maros at his exhibition «Cicatrice» and with photographer Sandro Livio Straube at his exhibition «Berge bleichen» and «diffus» at Gallery 94, Baden.
2020Image Editing and Image Selection for the accompanying brochure «Return to Sender» for the exhibition by Pedro Reyes at Museum Tinguely, Basel.
2020Image Review at the exhibition «Coronakunstglarus» by Glarner Kunstverein at Güterschuppen, Glarus.
2019 – 2022Curator of the MAGNUM PHOTOS exhibition «Ski Runs & Champagne Dreams» at Design Gallery in Serletta parking house from December 2021 until the end of May 2022, St. Moritz.
2018Emphasis photography, Newspaper review «Tageswoche», Basel.
2018Organization of the exhibition by MAGNUM photographer Jonas Bendiksen «The Last Testament & Home» and Artist Talk with Frank Bodin, President ADC at the ADC Switzerland Gallery (Art Directors Club), Zurich.
2018Organization of the Artist Talk with the MAGNUM photographer Paolo Pellegrin and Christian Brändle, Director of the Museum of Design, in the context of his exhibition «Antarctica» in the Bildhalle, Zurich.
2017 – 2025Various Portfolio Reviews at Photo Festivals in Switzerland.
2017 – 2024Official Guide at the exhibitions «World Press Photo» and «Swiss Press Photo» at National Museum, Zurich.
2017Panel Discussion «The power of the Image» by Farner Consulting Inc., with Christian Bobst, photographer and Philipp Skrabal, chief creative officer, Farner Consulting Inc., Zurich.
2017Radiotalk by Radio X, «photography - yesterday, today and tomorrow» with Diego Stampa, gallery owner, Andri Pol, photographer, Peter Herzog, Fondation Herzog, Esther Hunziker, artist, with Danielle Bürgin, Radio X, Basel.
2014Curator with Romano Zerbini und Sascha Renner at Photobastei, Zurich.
2012Project Supervisor, Selection and Coordination of regularly image-column «Image on Sunday» Basler Zeitung, alternately texts by Daniele Muscionico, cultural journalist, Zurich and Peter Herzog, Fondation Herzog, Basel.
2011Masterclass «Editing», Photography Academy by Bank Julius Baer and Verbier Festival in cooperation with Romano Zerbini and Ferit Kuyas, Zurich.
2008 – 2009Exhibition «Swiss Art Awards», Swiss Competition for art and art mediation initiated by the Federal Department of Culture (BAK). Presentation of the dossier Photo Editing for Cultural Supplement Basler Zeitung, photography mediation, Basel.
2008Project Supervisor of Supporting Program. «Photography – Art product?» a discussion on photography, art mediation and art criticism with Sabine Schaschl, Diego Stampa, Barbara Basting, Dr. Peter Geimer. Presentation Jörg Huber, ITH Zurich at «Swiss Photo Award» EWZ Selnau, Zurich.
2006Project Supervisor of the photo exhibition «Minutes in the spotlight» by photographer Christian Flierl, Basel, about the «Swiss national soccer team of the homeless at the WM Goteborg/Sweden» in public space, Zurich.
2005 – Photographic and Artistic Consultant at Readability of photography, editing for exhibitions, websites, portfolios, photo books, long term projects for various photographers and artists.
2004 – 2005Organisation and Production, media work «Videosafari 2005» art project in cooporation with Roman Weber, SLOMO Video’n’Visions, Zurich.

Jury Activites

2024Street Photographers Foundation, BLACK & WHITE.
2023Helsinki Photo Festival, theme «Courage», Helsinki.
2022«Swiss Press Photo» Award, Bern.
2020External Examiner, diploma course, HF Photography, School of design, Zurich.
2017«Swiss Photo Award» in category Reportage, Zurich.
2014«Swiss Photo Award» in category Editorial, Zurich.
2012 – «Schnappschuss» Photo Award for the best nature image, part of the «Wildlife Photographer of the Year» special exhibition at Natural History Museum, Basel.
2012 – External Examiner, diploma course and undergraduate course, HF Photography, School of design, St. Gallen.
2012External Examiner, diploma course, F+F, School for art and media design, Zurich.
2001 – 2015Nwfp Nachwuchsförderpreis (2001/2007/2015), Young Talent Award for photography by vfg, Zurich.

Lecturing Activities

2024 – Materclass «Freedom, democracy and photography» at MAZ, Swiss School of Journalism, Luzern.
2021 – Course «Content Creation (Cross Media)», Editing & Storytelling - new Course «Photography» Art History and the History of Photography, SAE Institute Zurich.
2019 – 2023Portfolio Review, HF Photography, School of Design, Bern.
2019Image Review on Experimental Photography, HF Photography, School of Design, Zurich.
2019Portfolio, HF Photography and Masterclass, Zentrum Bildung, Baden.
2012Photo Editing, Editing & Storytelling, HF Photography, School of Design, St. Gallen.
2008 – 2012Photo Editing and Editorial Photography, Concept and Composition, Reportage and Portrait, GAF, Group of self-taught photographers, Zurich.
2006 – 2009Photo Editing, MAZ, Swiss School of Journalism, Luzern.