©Verzasca Foto Festival
©Patrick Guerne
View of the exhibition Unidentified, Tony Oursler, Photo Elysée © Yannick Luthy
© Verzasca Foto Festival
© Mary Ellen Mark
Conference: Photography and Participation (D/E)
Tuesday, 25 January 2022
Stadtmuseum Aarau
Museum approaches towards collecting and educating in the digital age
The speakers invited will share experiences with regard to their exemplary projects:
- Elze van der Steen, Foam Amsterdam
- Anni Wallenius, Finnish Museum of Photography
- Barbara Keller, Swiss Alpine Museum
- Janis Huber and Vicky Kiefer, Fotomuseum Winterthur
Please visit the conference's website to find more information on both, the topic as well as the presenting speakers.
Bergerlebnisse und Handy-Fotografien der Besucher/-innen sammeln, 2019. © Alpines Museum der Schweiz, Bern
General Assembly
Reserved for Spectrum members
For members of Spectrum, the General Assembly will take place on the morning of December 3, at Centre de la Photographie Genève. For this, registration at Melisa Arslan via spectrum@photography-in-switzerland.ch is required.
What's Next 2022!
We are very glad to announce that for What's Next 2022! Centre de la photographie Genève collaborates with Spectrum – Photography in Switzerland.
What's Next 2022! takes place on Friday, December 3, from 2 to 5.30 pm at Centre de la photography Genève. Unlike the previous editions, this year will cover 22 projects held institutionally or led individually. Gallery and museum exhibitions, research projects, publications, as well as projects conducted by freelancers will be given 7 min only for presentation in either English, French, or German – and everything is on photography only.
Registrations are mandatory until Tuesday, November 30, at spectrum@photography-in-switzerland.ch. However, participation is free. We are looking forward to welcoming you there!
Reserved for Spectrum members
Estelle Sohier an associate professor at UNIGE. She holds a PhD in history from the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne and the University of Naples Orientale. She has worked on the political use of photography during the colonial period and the history of Ethiopian royalty between the 1880s and the 1930s. She conducted research in France, Italy and Ethiopia before joining the Department of Geography and Environment at the University of Geneva in January 2010.
At the crossroads of geography and cultural history, her work focuses on the uses of photography, the history of the gaze, and the notion of geographical imagination. For several years, she has been studying the work of the Geneva-based photographer and editor Fred Boissonnas, in particular his work on Swiss landscapes, Greece, Egypt and the Mediterranean, which formed the basis of the exhibition and publication Fred Boissonnas et la Méditerrannée at the Musée d’art et d’histoire de Genève in 2020.
Exposer une archive photographique. Fred Boissonnas (1858-1946)
À l’automne 2020, le musée Rath à Genève accueillait une grande exposition autour de l’œuvre du photographe suisse Fred Boissonnas (1858-1946). Plus de deux cent oeuvres mettaient en valeur la diversité du patrimoine photographique, avec des tirages d’exposition et de travail, des livres d’art, des autochromes, des projections, mais aussi des affiches et des documents manuscrits. Cette conférence reviendra d’une part sur l’ampleur du fonds patrimonial au cœur de cette exposition, et d’autre part sur le fil conducteur qui guidait les pas des visiteurs : la quête d’un artiste pictorialiste qui tentait de repousser les limites de la photographie en jouant avec les sujets et les supports, comme le livre d’art, mais aussi en nouant des collaborations avec des scientifiques, des écrivains, et des hommes politiques, en Suisse, en Grèce, en Égypte. Ensemble, ils étendirent la valeur et les interprétations de l’image, pour aller au-delà de la surface du visible, le projet culminant à cet égard étant une vaste enquête menée sur les traces de l’Odyssée d’Homère.
Registration mandatory until Wednesday 20 October at spectrum@photography-in-switzerland.ch.
F. Boissonnas, Djerba, Aghir, 1912. Négatif au gélatino-bromure d’argent sur verre, 9 × 12 cm. © Bibliothèque de Genève. Inv. CIG FVB n09x12 1329.
Reserved for Spectrum members
After an engaging talk with representatives from Pro Helvetia in September 2020, the members of Spectrum are invited again to debate the role of photography in Swiss culture and the representation of Switzerland abroad, with Alexandre Edelmann, Head of Marketing and Campaigns of Presence Switzerland, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA.
Members of Spectrum are again invited to submit their questions to spectrum@photography-in-switzerland.ch until 7 September 2021.
Inscription to the event mandatory until 20 September 2021 at spectrum@photography-in-switzerland.ch
Präsentation von Nicole Graf, Bildarchiv der ETH-Bibliothek (DE)
Präsentation des Bildarchivs der ETH-Bibliothek und einer Auswahl von aktuellen Projekten wie Crowdsourcing, Georeferenzierung, WikiProjekt ETH Profs oder Autotagging und Künstliche Intelligenz.
Roundtable zum Thema Digitale Archive mit Tabea Lurk (Mediathek der HGK FHNW), Elias Kreyenbühl (ZB-Lab der Zentralbibliothek Zürich) und Nicole Graf (Bildarchiv der ETH-Bibliothek), moderiert von Teresa Gruber (Fotostiftung Schweiz) (DE)
Fotosammlungen verwalten immer mehr Bilddateien – seien dies digital-born Werke oder Retrodigitalisate. Archive und Bibliotheken haben mit noch vielfältigerem Material und grösseren Mengen zu tun. Nicht zuletzt die Frage nach der Langzeitarchivierung ist überall dringend. An welchem Punkt stehen die Institutionen heute? Was sind die unterschiedlichen Herausforderungen? Gibt es Strategien, an denen gemeinsam gearbeitet werden könnte?
Lunch im Dozentenfoyer
Artist Talk with Batia Suter and Danaé Panchaud (EN)
Presentation of the work of Swiss artist Batia Suter, followed by a discussion moderated by Danaé Panchaud.
Rencontre avec David Dufresne (FR)
Présentation du film Un pays qui se tient sage du réalisateur français David Dufresne, suivi d’un discussion animée par Danaé Panchaud
Drinks (tbc)
Inscription mandatory until 10 August at spectrum@photography-in-switzerland.ch
On 3 June, Mimi von Moos will present her book Die Verwandte. Aus dem fotografischen Nachlass der Anne-Marie von Wolff in Basel at BelleVue. Ort für Fotografie. For more information on the artist book published in 2019 by Edition Patric Frey, please visit the publishing house's website.
Mimi von Moos, Die Verwandte. Aus dem fotografischen Nachlass der Anne-Marie von Wolff, 2019, Edition Patrick Frey.
The Biel/Bienne Festival of Photography is presenting previously unseen photographic projects, which this year will be housed at 11 venues in the city. The different characters of these sites – a gallery, museums, independent spaces, schools, public space, and an interior court – will provide opportunities to experience the image in various contexts. While it will be possible to visit some of the exhibitions during opening hours and others in public spaces can be visited freely, there will also be a programme of online events at which the public can discover the festival as they wish, in view of the public health situation.
Discover the course of exhibitions that will be presented this May 7-31, our schedule of events, and all practical information here. And while waiting for the opening day, follow Biel/Bienne Festival of Photography on all the social networks (Instagram/Facebook)!
Constanza Piaggio, Cut #29, Sharp Memories, 2019
Fribourg, le 23.04.2021 – Trente-cinq ans après la mort de Leo Hilber, la Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire de Fribourg (BCU) vous invite à une soirée « diapos » en ligne, pour s’évader à travers les grands voyages en Orient du photographe et de sa femme et assistante Micheline.
Conférence par Sara Lonati
28.04.2021 à 18h30
Plus d'informations ici.
Leo Hilber couché sur un tapis Yalame, avant 1978 © Bibliothèque cantonale et universitaire Fribourg, Fonds Leo et Micheline Hilber
Anhand von Werkbeispielen aus der Ausstellung Street. Life. Photography thematisiert Rechtsanwalt Kai-Peter Uhlig im Gespräch Fragestellungen im Bereich Recht und Fotografie. Anhand ausgewählter Beispiele werden verschiedene Fragen diskutiert: Welche Rolle spielen Motive oder Verwendungszwecke für das Fotografieren und Teilen von Bildern, die im öffentlichen Raum aufgenommen werden? Wie weit reicht die Freiheit der Kunst? Inwiefern hat die Digitalisierung der Fotografie rechtliche Perspektiven verändert?
Die Veranstaltung findet im Rahmen von From Print to Pixel statt, ein Projekt zur Förderung von Bild- und Medienkompetenzen.
Die Veranstaltung ist kostenlos und findet auf Deutsch auf Zoom statt.
Für weitere Informationen besuchen Sie bitte Fotomuseum Winterthur's Website.
Dicussing examples of works from the exhibition Street. Life. Photography, attorney Kai-Peter Uhlig discusses legal issues in relation to photography.
The event is part of From Print to Pixel, a project in the realm of image and media competence.
The event takes place in German on Zoom.
Please visit Fotomuseum Winterthur's website for further information on this event.
Maciej Dakowicz, Ohne Titel, aus der Serie Cardiff After Dark, 2005–2011 © Maciej Dakowicz
The General Assembly takes place on the morning of December 4 from 10.30 until 11.30 on Zoom. A tour through ECAL will follow the assembly. To participate, registration via spectrum@photography-in-switzerland.ch is required.
Am Donnerstag, 12. November, hält Prof. Minoru Shimizu ein Referat zur japanischen Nachrkiegsfotografie. Dieser Anlass findet auf Zoom statt und kann über den folgenden Link besucht werden:
Die Forschungsliteratur über die japanische Nachkriegsfotografie (von 1945 bis zum Anfang der 70er-Jahre), die sich seit dem Beginn des neuen Jahrhunderts drastisch vermehrt und vertieft hat, hat in ihr eine deutliche Tendenz zum ‹Realen› bestätigt. Man konstatierte dabei eine graduelle Veränderung vom sozialen Realismus der Dokumentarfotografie über den subjektiven Realismus von VIVO zum radikalen Realismus bei Provoke. Dabei diskutiert man aber wenig, wie sich diese Tendenz bei den einzelnen Fotografen konkretisiert und, nicht zuletzt, woher eigentlich dieses Streben nach dem ‹Realen› stammt. Der Vortrag versucht, diese Fragen zu beantworten, indem er Fotos von Nakahira Takuma (1938-2015), einem repräsentativen Fotografen und Kritiker der Zeit, analysiert.
Im Herbstsemester 2020 ist Prof. Minoru Shimizu zu Gast am Lehrstuhl für Geschichte der bildenden Kunst / Lehr- und Forschungsstelle für Theorie und Geschichte der Fotografie sowie in der Abteilung Kunstgeschichte Ostasiens. Seine akademische Ausbildung hat Prof. Shimizu, Ordentlicher Professor an der Fakultät der Regionalen und Globalen Wissenschaften der Dōshisha University, an der University of Tokyo und als DAAD-Stipendiat an der Philipps-Universität Marburg bei Prof. Dr. Gerd Mattenklott absolviert. Lehre und Forschung von Herrn Shimizu sind interdisziplinär angelegt und umfassen die Literatur- und Musikwissenschaften ebenso wie die Kunst- und Fotografiegeschichte. Schwerpunkte sind die avantgardistischen Künste in Europa, Nordamerika und Japan, das Phänomen der Farbe in der Fotografie, die Kunst der Keramik in der Gegenwart sowie das Verhältnis zwischen Musik und bildender Kunst.
Organisation: Prof. Dr. Bettina Gockel & Stella Jungmann, M.A.
Lehr- und Forschungsstelle für Theorie und Geschichte der Fotografie, Kunsthistorisches Institut, Universität Zürich
Foto: Nakahira Takuma, aus der Serie "BIG AGE (5) Zivilisation" (1968)
Spectrum-Members will have the opportunity to talk to Philippe Bischof, Director of Pro Helvetia, and Madeleine Schuppli, Head of the Visual Arts department, in a Zoom-Conversation.
Friday, 18 September, 12.00-13.30
Urs Stahel, president of Spectrum – Photography in Switzerland
Procedure: In the first hour, the board of Spectrum discusses with Pro Helvetia. This is followed by the Q+A of all participating Spectrum-Members.
Registration: You have to register with Melisa Arslan (spectrum@photography-in-switzerland.ch) until Thursday, September 17th, 10 am. Thus, you will receive the access code to the Zoom-Meeting.
Speech regulations: Everyone speaks in their own language or in English. We kindly ask participants to switch their microphones to mute when they are not talking.
We are very much looking forward to the conversation and would like to thank Philippe Bischof and Madeleine Schuppli in advance for their generosity. Also, we are looking forward to your dedicated participation.
Urs Stahel
President Spectrum - Photography in Switzerland
On behalf of the Board of Spectrum
The Internet, social media, and smartphones have drastically changed the manner in which we deal with photography as well as expanding its spectrum. Consequently, museums have also begun to focus more on everyday photography of the broad population that, today more than ever, creates its own pictorial worlds. Reactions, for instance, involve dialogue-based communication formats allowing young people and adults to serve as informants and thus co-design the reflection of photography in museums; or to take pictures themselves in order to activate creativity and promote integration and social cohesion. The speakers invited are representatives of museums that do not consider communication and education additional offers but core tasks, thereby exploring the potential of photography to include the population in an exemplary manner.
Participation-oriented access to collecting, which the second part of the conference will be dedicated to, is even less institutionalized. The projects presented here deal with pictures commented on social media platforms, shared via instant messaging, or simply stored on private phones. Museums wishing to preserve this cultural heritage for future generations must address several new content-related, technical and legal-ethical questions. The speakers will not only share insight into opportunities and challenges of participation but also make general recommendations, based on their experiences, that could be helpful to other museums to further their own practices.
This conference aims at reaching representatives of memory institutions collecting, archiving and sharing photography as well as freelance art agents, students and researchers from related fields, e.g. cultural studies, art history, museology or pedagogy as well as all other interested parties.
With the building extension and reopening in 2015, the City Museum Aarau also ensured an important repositioning: With participation as a central leitmotiv, the leading media of the 20th century, photography and film, became priority themes of the newly designed museum. Part of this focus is expressed in the cooperation with the state archives of Aargau to convey audiovisual everyday culture. A core component of this cooperation is the collection of approx. seven million analog press photos forming the Fokus Ringier Bildarchiv (2017-2020). At the end of the project phase currently underway, the City Museum will look into the future and offer a platform for exchange on participative approaches in photography and museum practice, thereby focusing on everyday photography in the digital age.
Please visit the conference's website to find more information on both, the topic as well as the presenting speakers.
Photography brings you closer: Intergenerational project, 'Look Twice' © Foam Museum of Photography, Amsterdam
Unfortunately, the 24th edition of the Biel/Bienne Festival of Photography on the questions of ruptures that preoccupy societies nowadays, will be postponed to May 2021.
Until then, the exhibition programme of the 24th edition is online available next to an overview of the Spring issue of La couleur des jours in the article Brèches et fissures.
You will find further information on the 24th edition of the Biel/Bienne Festival of Photography here.
Pierre-Kastriot Jashari, Mi-temps, 2019x
Photobooks Switzerland will be back for a second edition… in 2021. Due to the coronavirus, the edition initially planned for May 2020 is postponed to spring 2021.
Photobooks Switzerland is back for a second edition!
The photography book, which is nowadays the preferred medium of choice for many photographers, is at the heart of Photobooks Switzerland, an event initiated by the photographer Anastasia Mityukova. While the artist’s book has already been discussed more broadly, this is the first event of its kind devoted specifically to the photographic book in Switzerland. Photobooks Switzerland aims to bring the best of independent contemporary photographic publishing to Switzerland. It seeks to open up reflection and discussion about the status and importance of the photo book, as well as to convey new inputs and impressions about the possibility of the medium in the Swiss cultural scene.
Sprungbrett und Spiegel
Zum zweiten Mal haben wir das Vergnügen, die 10 besten Fotoserien der Finalistinnen und Finalisten des jährlich ausgerichteten Wettbewerbs für junge Fototalente bei uns in der Kammgarn West zu zeigen.
Eine jährlich neu besetzte, aus fachlich renommierten Persönlichkeiten bestehende Jury wählt aus allen Einsendungen zehn Arbeiten aus, die in Ausstellungen, im begehrten Katalog und auf der Homepage (http://vfg-nwfp.ch) präsentiert werden. Die Jury vergibt ausserdem den von Keystone gestifteten und mit CHF 5’000.– dotierten Hauptpreis für die beste Arbeit, und attraktive Sachpreise für den zweiten und dritten Rang.
So ist der vfg Nachwuchsförderpreis für Fotografie ein Sprungbrett für überdurchschnittlich begabte Jungfotografen und gleichzeitig ein repräsentativer Spiegel des jungen Schweizer Bildschaffens.
Artist Talk 05.03.2020 um 18:30 Uhr
Mo, 9. März, 19:30 Uhr
Referat und Diskussion «Zwischen Simulation und Wirklichkeit»
Mit Simone Plüss, Informationswissenschafterin
Eintritt: frei, Kollekte
Do, 12. März, 19:30 Uhr
Gespräch: Erinnerungen, Erfahrungen und Einschätzungen
Mit Linda Stibler (Journalistin), Sabine Strebel (Historikerin Staatsarchiv Basel-Stadt), Richard Spillmann (Drucker), Sabina Bobst (Fotografin und Kuratorin)
Moderation: Regine Flury
Eintritt: frei, Kollekte
From February, 16th through April, 24th, works by former Swiss policeman and photographer Arnold Odermatt (*1925, Oberdorf) are exhibited at Kunsthalle Erfurt in Germany. Daniel Blochwitz has curated this ongoing exhibition in close cooperation with the artist's son and publisher, Urs Odermatt, as well as Galerie Springer Berlin, as one of the most comprehensive shows on Odermatt to date, providing an overview of his lifelong practice in over 190 photographs from all groups of his work. In addition, his darkroom has been re-installed by Jasmin Morgan on the fourth floor of the museum.
For more information on the exhibition, please visit Kunsthalle Erfurt's website.
Arnold Odermatt: Oberdorf, 1964. Foto: © Urs Odermatt, Windisch
Im Rahmen der Plat(t)form 2020 stellen 42 ausgewählte internationale Fotograf_innen und Künstler_innen ihre Arbeit vor. Während des Portfolio-Viewing-Events präsentieren die Kunstschaffenden ihre Werke dem Publikum sowie einem Team von Expert_innen – eine Gelegenheit junge Nachwuchstalente zu entdecken und persönlich ins Gespräch zu kommen.
Isra Abdou (DE), Zoé Aubry (CH), Barbora Bačová (SK), James Bantone (CH), Alexandra Baumgartner (CH/IT), Laura Ben Hayoun (FR), Tabea Borchardt (DE), János Buck (DE), Andile Buka (ZA), Matthieu Cauchy (FR/BE), Max Colson (GB), Max Dauven (DE), Samuel Fordham (GB), Alina Maria Frieske (DE), María de la O Garrido (ES/GB), Iris Hassid (IL), Susanne Hefti (CH), Tobias Izso (AT), Jan Jurczak (PL), Mario Kiesenhofer (AT), Anna Maria Krężel (PL/DE), Ludwig Kuffer (DE), Camille Lévêque (FR), Annija Muižule (LV/NL), Donja Nasseri (DE), Alexandra Pfammatter (CH), Léonard Pongo (BE/CD), Hanna Putz (AT) & Sophie Thun (PL/AT) , Giuliana Racco (I/CA/ES), Sydney Rahimtoola (US/NL), Mafalda Rakoš (AT), Miriam Rutherfoord (CH), Joke Schmidt (CH) & Andrea Zimmermann (CH), Meltem Saricicek (US/TR), Olivia Schenker (CH), Agnieszka Sejud (PL), Małgorzata Stankiewicz (PL/CH), Cora Straßburg (DE), Shinji Toya (JP/GB), Finn Wagner (DE), Mahtola Wittmer (CH), Karolina Wojtas (PL), Alba Zari (IT/GB)
Marc Mouarkech, Direktor der Arab Image Foundation, Beirut (LB), Tobias Zielony, Künstler, Berlin (DE), Lisa Barnard, Dokumentarfotografin/Künstlerin, Brighton (GB), Alexa Becker, Acquisition Editor Kehrer Verlag, Heidelberg (DE), Nadine Wietlisbach, Direktorin Fotomuseum Winterthur (CH)
Igo Diarra, Direktor der Rencontres de Bamako (ML),Ying Kwok, selbstständige Kuratorin (CN), Andrei Liankevich, Geschäftsleiter des Month of Photography in Minsk (BY), Alla Mirovskaya, Mitbegründerin der Russian Independent SelfPublished Group (RU), Aziz Sohail, selbstständiger Kurator und Autor (US/PK), Mohamed Somji, Direktor des Gulf Photo Plus (AE), Michael Weir, Direktor des Belfast Photo Festival (GB)
Please visit Fotomuseum Winterthur's website for more information on the Plat(t)from 2020's full programme.
In 2020 the upcoming photoSchweiz takes place from 10 until 14 January at Halle 622 & StageOne in Oerlikon, Zürich. Please visit photoSchweiz's website for more information on this event.
An event organised by Spectrum – Photography in Switzerland and Stadtmuseum Aarau. Free entry. Registration is required, since the seats are limited. No simultaneous translation, each institution presents its projects in its own language.
Introduction: Kaba Rössler, Overall Management Cooperation Project "Show it!" – Fokus Ringier Bildarchiv; Urs Stahel, President, Spectrum – Photography in Switzerland.
1. Part with 7 minutes presentations. 10 Institutions/people present their most important projects for 2020:
African Photography Initiatives; BelleVue – Ort für Fotografie; Daniel Blochwitz/Museum für Gestaltung Zürich; Centre de la photographie Genève; Christophe Guye Galerie; ECAL/University of Art and Design of Lausanne; Enquête photographique Jura bernois 2019–2020; Fokore; Fotofestival Lenzburg; Fotomuseum Winterthur; Museum im Bellpark.
2. Part with 7 minutes presentations. 10 Institutions/people present their most important projects for 2020:
Fotostiftung Schweiz; Monika Wertheimer Galerie; Musée de l’Elysée; Musée gruérien; MASI Museo d’arte della Svizzera italiana; Near/LabElysée; Photoforum Pasquart; Stadtmuseum Aarau/Ringier Bildarchiv; Fritz Franz Vogel, Ulrich Gribi/ehemalige Tigerfinklifabrik; Transbordeur.
Drinks, Food, Small Talk
Registration for What’s Next 2020! until 22 November at Melisa Arslan: spectrum@photography-in-switzerland.ch
Verwandtschaftsbesuche in Ostberlin, Fluchtversuche, Kaspar Villiger in der Sowjetunion, Trabbis und Mauerfall: Im Schauarchiv zeigen Ihnen Fachpersonen originale Aufnahmen aus dem Ringier Bildarchiv zu den Ereignissen rund um 1989. Bei uns dürfen Sie Archivhandschuhe anziehen und S/W-Negative, Farbdias und Abzüge selbst unter die Lupe nehmen, exklusiver geht es nicht! Historische Artikel aus der «Schweizer Illustrierten» und dem «Blick» geben Auskunft über die Verwendung der Bilder und die damalige Wahrnehmung der Ereignisse.
Der Einstieg ist fortlaufend möglich.
Am UNESCO-Welttag des audiovisuellen Erbes zeigen Institutionen auf der ganzen Welt ihre kostbaren Sammlungen audiovisueller Medien wie zum Beispiel Fotografie und Film. In der Schweiz werden die Festlichkeiten durch den Verein Memoriav koordiniert. Weitere Informationen: https://memoriav.ch/aktuell/worldday/
Weitere Informationen zum Schauarchiv Ringier Bildarchiv.
Trabbis ab Fabrik, aus der Serie «Schaufenster zum Osten», DDR, November 1989. Foto: Kurt Reichenbach. © StAAG/RBA RBA13-RC05711_1
Last year, we were fortunate to visit New York based Swiss fashion and still-life photographer Raymond Meier in Soglio and spend a full weekend together, reflecting on questions related to Data & Matter. This year, we decided to offer a day at MBAL in Le Locle. And for 2020, we will prepare again a weekend, altering from year to year between Spectrum Weekend and Spectrum Day.
During this day trip, a presentation of MBAL held by its director Nathalie Herschdorfer is planned in the morning, i.e. a visit of the exhibitions Magnum Photos: Montagnes, Henrik Spohler: Park du Doubs, and of Noémie Goudal: Telluris, followed by a discussion on Magnum’s role nowadays.
In the afternoon, we are going to focus on different issues in the field of photography and museum. We are discussing in plenary institution’s difficulties of financial support, their development structures related to audience’s numbers, and the roles of photographs within different types of museums.
Program Overview of the Spectrum Day in Le Locle
10.00 – 12.00
Presentation of Musée des Beaux-Arts by Nathalie Herschdorfer, director of the museum. Visit of the exhibitions Magnum Photos: Montagnes, Henrik Spohler: Park du Doubs, and Noémie Goudal: Telluris, followed by a discussion on Magnum’s role nowadays, with Melody Gygax, Magnum Photo Switzerland, and all of us
12.00 – 13.00
Lunch Break
13.00 – 14.30
Photography and Museum, discussion in the plenum
14.30 – 15.00
Coffee break
15.00 – 16.30
Photography and Museum, discussion in the plenum
The afternoon discussions focus on these topics:
Each discussion will take 30 minutes, after being introduced by the moderator for 5 minutes. The discussions are going to be introduced in English. However, contributions can be done in everyone’s first language.
Registration and Costs
Registration is obligatory: To participate at the day trip to Le Locle, please register until 23 August at spectrum@photography-in-switzerland.ch.
No fee for the day will be charged. The lunch is offered by MBAL.
We are very much looking forward to welcoming you in Le Locle!
With my warmest summer wishes!
Urs Stahel
President Spectrum – Photography in Switzerland
Visual identity by Kerime Yayla Carnero
Mesdames et Messieurs les membres de l’ASIP
Nous avons le plaisir de vous convier et de vous inviter à notre prochaine Assemblée Générale ainsi qu’à la seconde partie de notre rencontre, intitulée, «What’s NEXT 2019 !»
Nous nous rencontrerons le 30 novembre à 10h au Hochschule der Künste Bern, HKB, Bümpliz Nord, Fellerstrasse 11, 3027 Bern, Grosse Aula (au rez-de-chaussée) pour l’AG et dès 13.30 pour la seconde partie.
Ci-dessous vous trouverez l'invitation officielle à l'Assemblée Générale et le programme de l'après-midi. Nous vous demandons à tous de placer l'affiche " What's NEXT 2019 ! " dans tous vos canaux de communication afin que le plus grand nombre possible de visiteurs aient. Merci de votre coopération!
Inscription pour le GV et What's NEXT 2019 ! jusqu’au 26 novembre à Melisa Arslan: spectrum@photography-in-switzerland.ch
Nous sommes impatients de vous voir!
Au nom du Comité
Urs Stahel, président de Spectrum
Invitation pour l'assemblée générale:
Spectrum Invitation Membres Français (PDF)
Notice pour What's NEXT 2019!:
Spectrum What's Next Français (PDF)
Liebe Mitglieder
Wir laden Euch herzlich zur Generalversammlung und zur Veranstaltung „What’s NEXT 2019!“ ein.
Wir treffen uns am Freitag, 30. November um 10 Uhr im Hochschule der Künste Bern, HKB, Bümpliz Nord, Fellerstrasse 11, 3027 Bern, Grosse Aula (im Erdgeschoss) zur GV und um 13.30 Uhr zur Veranstaltung What’s NEXT 2019!
Unten findet Ihr die formelle Einladung zur GV und das Programm des Nachmittags. Wir bitten Euch alle, das Werbeplakat „What’s Next 2019!“ in all Euren Kommunikationskanälen zu platzieren, damit wir möglichst viele Besucher haben werden. Vielen Dank für die Mitarbeit!
Anmeldung für die GV und What’s NEXT 2019! bis 26. November bei Melisa Arslan: spectrum@photography-in-switzerland.ch
Wir freuen uns auf Euch!
Im Namen des Vorstandes
Urs Stahel, Präsident Spectrum
Einladung zur Generalversammlung:
Spectrum Einladung Mitglieder Deutsch (PDF)
Aushang What's NEXT 2019!:
Spectrum What's Next Deutsch (PDF)
Aushang What's NEXT 2019! auf Englisch:
Spectrum What's Next English (PDF)
Friday, 14 September (16.00) to Sunday, 16 September (14.00)
Spectrum members will meet for (almost) 48 hours in the most beautiful village of Switzerland, in Soglio in the Bergell, in the canton of Grisons, to reflect together on photography, its production, its use, its preservation, its meaning. Sharing, talking, listening, watching, making – and of course eating, drinking, laughing, walking.
Friday, 14.09.2018
16.00 Welcome, thanks and introduction by Urs Stahel (President Spectrum)
16.30-18.00 Urs Stahel in conversation with host Raymond Meier, Swiss fashion and still-life photographer in New York. Presentation and discussion of his work.
18.00-19.30 Apéro in Raymond Meier's garden
19.30 Dinner in Raymond Meier's garden
Saturday, 15.09.2018
Workshop participants are divided into groups.
09.30 - 12.30 Visit to the workshop of platinum-palladium prints, with Raymond Meier and Regula Müdesbacher, or lectures and discussions with the Israeli artist Ilit Azoulay and the German artist Florian Freier.
12.30 - 14.00 Lunch in the garden of Palazzo Salis
14.00 - 17.00 Visit to the workshop of platinum-palladium prints, with Raymond Meier and Regula Müdesbacher, or lectures and discussions with the Israeli artist Ilit Azoulay and the German artist Florian Freier.
18.00 - 19.15 Lecture Bernd Stiegler: The Digital Turn - revisited
20.15 Dinner at Palazzo Salis
Sunday, 16.09.2018
09.00 - 11.00 Hiking on the panorama trail or sports hiking on the alp Tombal
11.30 - 13.00 Conversation/Discussion "On photography in Switzerland today and tomorrow", moderated by Lars Willumeit and Nathalie Herschdorfer
13.00 Standing luncheon
From 13.30 Farewell, departure
At an extraordinary assembly, the association ASIP (Association Suisse des institutions pour la photographie) has been renamed and transformed into the renewed association SPECTRUM - PHOTOGRAPHY IN SWITZERLAND.
What does that mean?
On the one hand, it means that the former Association Suisse des institutions pour la photographie (Association Suisse des institutions pour la photographie) will now as SPECTRUM - PHOTOGRAPHY IN SWITZERLAND also be opened for individual members. It is not only the institutions dealing with photography that should be able to become members, but also all individuals who work professionally in the field of photography, i. e. in their mediation, processing, conservation, critical analysis, etc., should be able to become members of Spectrum - Photography in Switzerland in the future. The photographers are not included. They can be members of Spectrum through representatives of their associations.
On the other hand, we want to expand Spectrum - Photography in Switzerland into a platform that is as comprehensive as possible for dealing with photography, a platform that acts as a catalyst, a service provider, a network, a mediator in the field of photography and always seeks cooperation with institutions and experts.
Thirdly, SPECTRUM - PHOTOGRAPHY IN SWITZERLAND will naturally and intensively take up the contact with the authorities, the lobby function in photopolitical questions vis-à-vis the authorities. Especially on the way to the coming new cultural message.
Board of directors:
Urs Stahel, curator MAST (Bologna), lecturer ZHdK, author and consultant
Vice President:
Nora Mathys, Project Management, Historian (former Head of the Ringier Picture Archive, Stadtmuseum Aarau)
Christophe Brandt, Director of the Institut suisse pour la conservation de la photographie, Neuchâtel
Tatyana Franck, Director of the Musée de l' Elysée, Lausanne
Nathalie Herschdorfer, Director of the Musée des Beaux-Arts, Le Locle
Jean-Henry Papilloud, President of the Mémoires de photographes, Conservator of the collections photographiques de la Fondation Pierre Gianadda, Martigny
Peter Pfrunder, Director Fotostiftung Schweiz, Winterthur
Barbara Spalinger, M. A. Conservation and Conservation / Research Associate at the University of the Arts Bern, Conservation and Restoration
Nadine Wietlisbach, Director Photoforum Pasquart / from 2018 Fotomuseum Winterthur
Lars Willumeit, Head of Photography Division EFZ/BM, independent curator
Fotostiftung Schweiz, Grüzenstrasse 45, Winterthur
Eine Veranstaltung von ASIP (Association Suisse des Institutions pour la Photographie) und der Fotostiftung Schweiz. Eintritt ist frei. Anmeldung ist hingegen erforderlich, da die Plätze beschränkt sind. Keine Simultanübersetzung, jede Institution stellt ihre Projekte in ihrer Sprache vor.
13:00 |
Begrüssung: Peter Pfrunder, Direktor Fotostiftung Schweiz Urs Stahel, Präsident ASIP |
13:10 | 1. Block 6-Minuten-Präsentationen. 10 Institutionen präsentieren ihre besonderen Projekte für 2017: Associazione Biennale dell'immagine, BelleVue, Ecal, Centre de la Photographie Genève, Centre d’Iconographie Genève, Edition Patrick Frey, Fotomuseum Winterthur, Fotostiftung Schweiz , Galerie Fabian + Claude Walter, Galerie Focale. |
14:20 | Pause |
14:40 | 2. Block 6-Minuten-Präsentationen. 10 Institutionen präsentieren ihre besonderen Projekte für 2017: JRP-Ringier, Museum Bellpark, Musée de l’Elysée, Musée des Beaux Arts Le Locle, Photoforum Pasquart, Phototheoria, Scheidegger&Spiess, Sturm+ Drang, Stampa Galerie, Swisstopo |
15:50 | Pause |
16:10 |
Netz-Bild: Roger de Weck (Generaldirektor der Schweizerischen Radio- und Fernsehgesellschaft SRG/SSR) im Gespräch mit Nadine Wietlisbach und Nora Mathys |
17:00 | Drinks and Food |
Anmeldung für What’s Next 2017 bis 2. Dezember bei Sascha Renner: renner@fotostiftung.ch
The ASIP board is proposing 20 projects from these institutions for What's next 2017:
Associazione Biennale dell'immagine, BelleVue, Ecal, Centre de la Photographie Genève, Centre d’Iconographie Genève, Edition Patrick Frey, Fotomuseum Winterthur, Fotostiftung Schweiz , Galerie Fabian + Claude Walter, Galerie Focale, JRP-Ringier, Museum Bellpark, Musée de l’Elysée, Musée des Beaux Arts Le Locle, Photoforum Pasquart, Phototheoria, Scheidegger&Spiess, Sturm+ Drang, Stampa Galerie, Swisstopo.
We invite you to “What’s Next 2017”, December 9, 2016 at Fotostiftung Schweiz in Winterthur. Starting at 13pm, ending around 18pm.
The preliminary program for December 9:
13.00 | Welcoming |
13.10 | First block of 10 presentations, each 6 minutes |
14.20 | Break |
14.40 | Second block of 10 presentations, each 6 minutes |
16.10 | Roger de Weck in conversation with Nadine Wietlisbach and Nora Mathys |
17.00 | Apéro riche |
Entrance is free. Seats are limited. Please register with Fotostiftung Schweiz, Katharina Rippstein, rippstein@fotostiftung.ch
The ASIP (Association Suisse des institutions pour la photographie), in cooperation with Fotostiftung Schweiz, invites all photo institutions or organizations working with photography in Switzerland (museums, galleries, collections, archives, libraries, universities, etc.) to present a special, important, and exciting project that is on your program for 2017. This can be an exhibition, archive project, publication, research project, event, online presentation, or an educational project that addresses photography in some way.
We will select the 15 to 18 most interesting projects from the submissions. The selected projects will be personally presented on Friday, December 9, 2016, from 1:30 to 6:30 p.m. at the Center for Photography in Winterthur. The presentations will include both image and text, and last exactly 8 minutes each.
All organizations and institutions that are registered at “photography-in-switzerland.ch” will be invited to this inaugural event. The goal of this event is to strengthen the network in the field of photography and to promote an active dialogue about the diverse activities taking place in all parts of the country. The event is public and is aimed at all individuals and institutions that are interested in photography.
A summary of the project must be submitted by September 25, 2016. Please submit a brief description, approximately 10 lines long, along with an image, to give us an impression of the project. All submitted projects, including those that were not accepted for this particular event, can be viewed online as of January 2017 at the website “photography-in-switzerland.ch”. Please send only one project per institution.
A discussion will be held during the event, in addition to the presentation of your contributions. The evening will conclude with beer, wine and other drinks, finger food, and conversation.
Submission deadline: September 25, 2016
Electronic submission only: Title and description of the project, max. 150 words (Word document, for further use), 1 image (jpg)
Please send to: Urs Stahel, ASIP President, stahel@ursstahel.ch
Have a lovely summer!
Warm regards,
Urs Stahel
President, ASIP
P.S.: The language of photography-in-switzerland.ch is English.
Main discussion was the future and re-start of ASIP in a broader way.
A group with Nathalie Herschdorfer, Nora Mathys, Julia Müller, Danaé Panchaud, Urs Stahel, Nadine Wietlisbach, Lars Willumeit met in Berne on June 28 for the first time to start the discussion of renewing ASIP in its structure.
Main topic: Rejuvenation of ASIP, forming of a Task Force.
Discussing the opening up as a possibility for the association.
Entrance is free. As places are limited, pre-booking is essential.
Tatyana Franck, director of the Musée de l'Elysée
Urs Stahel, ASIP president
Introduced and moderated by: Daniel Girardin, chief curator
Frédéric Kaplan: The Replica Project (in French)
The Discovery of Visual Patterns in a Million Artworks
The mass-digitalisation of artworks, photos or books opens up new possibilities for research and documentation. It also requires new analytical methods, however, given the considerable financial commitment involved. The talk will be based on Kaplan’s own research at the EPFL.
Prof. Dr. Frédéric Kaplan, Director of the Digital Humanities Lab (DHLAB), Ecole polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)
Loïc Baboulaz: Moving from the Static to the Dynamic Image Thanks to Digital Photography (in French)
Mobile phones combine three technologies that go a long way towards promoting the growth and acceptance of digital photography among the general public: processing power, high resolution and high quality touch-screens. Digital photography enables richer and frequently interactive visualisation. The talk will introduce some of the latest developments in this field.
Loïc Baboulaz is a researcher at the Audiovisual Communication Lab (LCAV) at the EPFL and a co-founder of the spin-off company Artmyn, which specialises in high-end digitalisation of artworks.
Frederic Kaplan / Daniel Girardin / Maude Tissot (in French)
Demonstration of the digital platform developed by the EPFL Digital Humanities Lab (DHLAB) for the Musée de l'Elysée.
The Musée de l'Elysée is digitising its collection of photographic books. EPFL (DHLAB) is developing a visualisation and research platform to open the books up for research and public access.
A chance to visit either
the «Mémoire des Images» exhibition at the Musée de l'Elysée
the library and the image digitalisation lab
Welcome: Urs Stahel, president of ASIP / Joerg Bader, director Centre de la Photographie Genève
Beat Wyss: The Archive as Picture Agency
Antoine de Galbert: Understanding the World and/or Daring a Self-Portrait
Peter Piller: Advantages of Non-Intentionality
Pascale Beausse: The Centre National des Arts Platiques, a Museum without Walls
Closing remarks: Joerg Bader